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GDF Policies

Gravity Dance Force Studio - Fees, Payment & Withdrawal Policy


Gravity Dance Force Studio strives for transparency and has outlined our terms below:

Registration and Tuition Fees

Registration Fee: An annual family registration fee is required upon enrollment. This fee is non-refundable under any circumstances.

Dance Tuition: Dance tuition is due on the 1st of each month. (eg. October fees are due on October 1st, and so on)

Festival and Costume Fees

Festival and costume fees must be paid by the specified due dates. Due to the time-sensitive nature of external due dates (costume shipping and festival registration deadlines), your dancer's costume or registration for upcoming festivals will not be processed if payment is not made by the stated due date. Once these payments have been made, they are non-refundable.

Costume Fees: Will be billed on the October statement and must be paid by October 15th.

Festival Fees: Will be billed on the November statement and must be paid by November 15th.

Other Fees

From time to time, Gravity Dance Force Studio may have other fees (mostly optional) like merchandise, videos, photos, etc.  Parents/Guardians will be notified of the particulars as they arise. 

Invoicing and Statements

Gravity Dance Force Studio uses a secure online program for managing invoicing referred to as Jackrabbit or the Parent Portal. Each family will receive a login to their account and can access their programming, transaction history and much more. Statements will be issued monthly via email approximately 1 week prior to the 1st of each month.

Late Payments

A late fee of 10% per month will be applied to all outstanding amounts, which will be applied on the day after the payment is due and monthly after that.

Overdue Accounts

Gravity Dance Force Studio may suspend dancer privileges to attend class, festivals and/or performances if your account is past due more than 60 days. Payments are the responsibility of the dance family. In the event of suspension, no refunds will be issued for any fees, including, but not limited to, tuition, costume fees, or festival fees. Please contact to make alternate arrangements where necessary to maintain your account, we are happy and willing to work out a plan with you.

Withdrawal Policy

Gravity Dance Force Studio requires 30 days written notice to withdraw from all studio classes.

All withdrawals from classes after September 30th will be charged an administration fee of $50 per student. 

Withdrawals must be communicated in writing by email to The time/date stamp on the email will be used as the beginning of the notice period.

I understand that I am responsible for the full monthly payment during the 30-day notice period plus the administration (if applicable), regardless of whether my dancer attends classes or not during this time. I am also aware of the above non-refundable fees.

Payment Options

Gravity Dance Force Studio accepts the following payment types (in order of studio preference): 

  • E-transfer to

  • Credit Card with a 3.5% service charge

  • Cheque/Cash in a sealed and labeled envelope and handed directly to an instructor at the studio

Alternative Payment Schedule

GDF offers a variety of payment schedules including Monthly, Annual, or Semi-Annual (2 payments per year). Please email for an annual or semi-annual quote.


By enrolling in or continuing classes at Gravity Dance Force Studio, parents/guardians acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agree to the terms outlined in our Fees, Payment & Withdrawal Policy.


Gravity Dance Force Studio - Inclement Weather Policy


Gravity Dance Force Studio is committed to ensuring the safety of our dancers, families, and staff. We closely monitor weather conditions, including extreme temperatures, hazardous road conditions, and school bus cancellations, to make informed decisions about class schedules.

The safety of our dance families is our top priority. We encourage all families to prioritize their own safety when deciding whether to attend classes during inclement weather.

Due to the unpredictability of weather and scheduling constraints, classes will not be rescheduled due to inclement weather, including hazardous road conditions.

Criteria for Class Cancellation

Temperature Threshold: If the temperature falls below -35°C, classes may be cancelled.

School Bus Cancellations: On days when local school buses do not run due to inclement weather, classes may also be cancelled.

Hazardous Road Conditions: Classes may be cancelled if road conditions are deemed unsafe for travel.

Notification of Cancellations

Parent Responsibility: On days when extreme weather is expected, parents are responsible for checking their email, and/or our private Facebook page for updates regarding class cancellations.

Mass Notification: In the event of a class cancellation, a mass notification email from our dance software will be sent to parent/guardian emails on file for the affected classes. No additional phone calls or individual emails will be made by Gravity Dance Force Studio.

Timing of Decisions: If weather conditions improve significantly between the morning and afternoon, GDF may decide to run classes. However, we understand and respect that families may choose to stay home, and we support their judgment in making that decision.

By enrolling in classes at Gravity Dance Force Studio, parents, guardians, and dancers acknowledge and agree to the terms of this Inclement Weather Policy.


Gravity Dance Force Studio - Costume and Festival Policy


Gravity Dance Force Studio recognizes that festivals, dance shows and costumes are among the most exciting parts of the dance season for our instructors and dancers. However, they can also quickly become very stressful for everyone.


This policy is in place to support your dancer's success and ensure they are fully prepared for every performance opportunity.

Costume Requirement

Each dance class my dancer is enrolled in requires a separate costume for shows, festivals and other performances. 

Festival Attendance

Upon enrollment at GDF, my dancer will be included in routine choreography and as such is required to attend the designated dance festivals at GDF's discretion in conjunction with our Attendance Policy and Fees, Payment & Withdrawal Policy.

Costume Responsibility

Once my dancer's costume(s) are provided to me, it is my responsibility to keep them safe and ensure that are brought to each performance that requires a costume.  Gravity Dance Force Studio asks that dancers do not wear their costume(s) for any reason outside of studio events (pictures, festivals, shows, etc) in order to keep their costume in excellent condition.  Once the season is over, dancers may use their costume for whatever they want.

In the event a dancer’s costume is not in performance condition, Gravity Dance Force Studio may remove performance privileges.


Costume Replacement

In the event of an incident with your dancers costume, Gravity Dance Force Studio with make their best effort to help the family replace the costume. The cost associated with replacement including shipping, is the full responsibility of the dancer’s parent/guardian. Please keep in mind that costumes are ordered in late October and arrive in Feburary or March and some just barely make it in time for festival season, so replacement becomes difficult and expensive.



By enrolling in classes at Gravity Dance Force Studio, parents, guardians, and dancers acknowledge and agree to the terms of this Costume and Festival Policy.


Gravity Dance Force Studio - Attendance Policy


Gravity Dance Force Studio values consistent attendance as it is crucial for the progression and success of all dancers. Regular attendance ensures that dancers can fully participate in class instruction, choreography development, and other activities such as performances.

Attendance Requirements

Maximum Absences: Dancers are allowed a maximum of 6 absences per season for each discipline (e.g., ballet, jazz, hip-hop).

Monitoring Absences: Attendance will be monitored by the studio staff. Parents can view their dancer's absences in Jackrabbit (Parent Portal).

Consequences of Excessive Absences

Withdrawal from Classes: If a dancer exceeds 6 absences in a particular class/discipline, they may be subject to withdrawal from that class or discipline.

No Refunds: In the event of withdrawal due to excessive absences, no refunds will be issued for any fees, including, but not limited to, tuition, costume fees, or festival fees.

Extenuating Circumstances

Communication: If a dancer is facing extenuating circumstances (e.g., prolonged illness, injury), it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to communicate with the studio as soon as possible.

Consideration: The studio may consider these circumstances on a case-by-case basis to determine if exceptions can be made to the attendance policy.


Dancers and their families commit to maintaining regular attendance. This commitment is essential for both individual and group success, especially in preparation for performances and competitions.



By enrolling in or continuing classes at Gravity Dance Force Studio, parents/guardians acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agree to the terms outlined in our Attendance Policy.


Gravity Dance Force Studio - Physical Contact Policy


Gravity Dance Force Studio has established guidelines for safe, appropriate, and professional physical contact between instructors, trainers, and dancers to protect well-being and foster a positive training environment.

This policy applies to all instructors, trainers, volunteers, and staff involved in dance programs, as well as the dancers participating in these programs.


Respect: All physical contact must be respectful, necessary, and appropriate to the situation.

Transparency: Physical contact should occur in the presence of others, such as other instructors, dancers, or parents to ensure transparency.

Consent: Wherever possible, instructors should seek verbal consent from the dancer before initiating physical contact, explaining the reason and nature of the contact.

Appropriate Physical Contact

Safety and Spotting: To ensure the dancer's safety during skill development, spotting and body placement is required to prevent injury and to ensure proper development and technique. Instructors should use the minimal amount of contact necessary to assist the dancer.

Instructional and Technical Adjustment: Contact may be necessary to correct a dancer's posture, alignment, or technique. Instructors will explain the correction and use required physical contact to ensure the safety of the dancer.

Costume Measurements: Contact is required to ensure proper costume fit as part of the measuring process.

Injury Assessment and Care: In the event of an injury, contact may be necessary to assess and provide first aid. 

Boundaries: Instructors will respect the dancer's right to refuse or withdraw consent, and immediately stop any physical contact if the dancer expresses discomfort.


All instructors and staff members have received training on appropriate physical contact and dancer safety.

Reporting and Accountability

Any concerns or incidents related to physical contact must be reported immediately to the program director.

Gravity Dance Force Studio will investigate all reported concerns and take appropriate action.

By enrolling in or continuing classes at Gravity Dance Force Studio, parents/guardians acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agree to the terms outlined in our Physical Contact Policy.



Gravity Dance Force Studio - FOIP Policy

Gravity Dance Force Studio is committed to protecting the personal information of its students, parents, and staff. This policy outlines our practices regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information, in compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act.

This policy applies to all personal information collected, used, or disclosed by Gravity Dance Force Studio, including information related to dancers, parents, guardians, and staff.

Collection of Personal Information

Types of Information: We collect personal information such as names, contact details, date of birth, emergency contact information, medical information, and payment details for the purpose of managing dance classes, billing, and ensuring the safety of our students.

Purpose: Personal information is collected only for specific, legitimate purposes related to the operation of the studio, including enrollment, communication, emergency response, and payment processing.

Use of Personal Information

Internal Use: Personal information is used internally for purposes directly related to the delivery of dance programs, administration, and ensuring the well-being of dancers.

Communication: We may use personal contact information to communicate important information about classes, events, billing, and other studio-related matters.

Disclosure of Personal Information

Third-Party Disclosure: We do not disclose personal information to third parties without consent, except where required by law or necessary for the protection of the individual (e.g., in a medical emergency).

Legal Obligations: We may be required to disclose personal information in response to a legal obligation or court order.


Obtaining Consent: By enrolling in Gravity Dance Force Studio, parents/guardians consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information as described in this policy.

Withdrawing Consent: Individuals may withdraw consent at any time, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice. Withdrawal of consent will affect the studio’s ability to provide services.

Access to Personal Information

Right to Access: Individuals have the right to access their personal information held by Gravity Dance Force Studio, subject to certain legal exceptions.

Correction of Information: Individuals may request corrections to their personal information if it is inaccurate or incomplete.

Security of Personal Information

Protection Measures: We implement appropriate physical, administrative, and technical safeguards to protect personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

Retention and Disposal: Personal information is retained only as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected or as required by law. After this period, it is securely disposed of.

Complaints and Inquiries

Contact: Concerns or questions regarding this policy or the handling of personal information can be directed to Twyla Robinson.

Resolution: We are committed to addressing privacy concerns promptly and transparently.

By enrolling in or continuing classes at Gravity Dance Force Studio, parents/guardians acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agree to the terms outlined in our FOIP Policy.


Gravity Dance Force Studio - Release of Liability

Acknowledgement of Risk

I understand and acknowledge that participating in dance classes, rehearsals, performances, and related activities at Gravity Dance Force Studio involves inherent risks. These risks include, but are not limited to, physical injury, such as contusions, sprains, strains, fractures, and other bodily injuries, as well as potential exposure to communicable diseases.

Voluntary Participation

I acknowledge that my participation, or the participation of my child, in dance classes and activities at Gravity Dance Force Studio is entirely voluntary. I agree to assume all risks associated with participation, including the risk of injury or illness.

Medical Fitness

I confirm that I, or my child, am physically fit and have no medical conditions that would prevent safe participation in dance activities. I agree to notify Gravity Dance Force Studio of any medical conditions or injuries that may affect participation.


I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Gravity Dance Force Studio, its owners, instructors, employees, agents, and representatives from any and all claims, actions, suits, procedures, costs, expenses, damages, and liabilities, including attorney's fees, arising out of my or my child's participation in dance activities.

Emergency Medical Treatment

In the event of a medical emergency, I authorize Gravity Dance Force Studio and its representatives to seek medical treatment for me or my child. I understand that I will be responsible for any medical expenses incurred as a result of injury or illness during participation in studio activities.

Photography and Videography Release

I consent to the use of photographs and video recordings taken during dance classes, rehearsals, performances, and other studio-related activities for promotional purposes, including but not limited to, social media, websites, brochures, and advertisements. I understand that I will not receive any compensation for the use of these images or recordings.

Release and Waiver

In consideration of being allowed to participate in dance activities at Gravity Dance Force Studio, I, on behalf of myself, my child, my heirs, and personal representatives, hereby release, waive, and discharge Gravity Dance Force Studio, its owners, instructors, employees, agents, and representatives from any and all liability, claims, demands, or causes of action arising out of or related to any injury, illness, or damage that may be sustained by me, my child, or my property during or as a result of participation in any dance-related activities.


By enrolling in or continuing classes at Gravity Dance Force Studio, parents/guardians acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agree to the terms and conditions outlined in our Release of Liability Policy. I fully understand the risks involved in dance activities and agree to release Gravity Dance Force Studio from liability to the fullest extent permitted by law.

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